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An Evening in August

It’s 6:15 pm in August.  I have scoped the area, considered the lighting, and am now waiting nervously for the family.  We’ve had a hard time coordinating this shoot, thanks to the crazy schedules of summer, leaving the middle of August to be the only time that works for everyone’s schedule before the madness of school starts.  I can’t help but worry how this oppressive heat is going to effect everyone’s mood and, therefore, the shoot.

I catch a break as a series of large clouds roll in, blocking at least a little of the sun’s relentless beating.  Maybe things won’t be so bad.  Things go from good to better as the dad arrives, and we spend a few minutes of easy chatter.  Things went from better to great as the rest of the family arrives.  Everyone is cheerful and easygoing, even if we are all  sweating  glistening a bit.  Thanks to this fantastic family, I left the session having enjoyed a lovely evening in August. 

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Matt and Mindy are Married

“I broke up with my last boyfriend because he wanted to get married, and I just don’t think I’m ready for that.”  Mindy told Matt shortly after they began dating regularly.  She figured it was best to be upfront with this guy, even though she liked him so much already.  To Matt’s infinite credit, he respected what she said and never pressured the relationship further than where Mindy was comfortable.

Less than 6 months after that, they were engaged.  Oh the irony!  I love it!

All of these major changes in my little sister’s life just had to happen the year I moved away, of course.  In fact, when Rory and I flew out there a few weeks before the wedding, it was the first time we met Matt (unless you count Skype, which I don’t).  Being the older, protective sister, naturally I had my concerns: Who was this guy? Was he kind enough for my sister? Was he goofy enough for her? Did he see and appreciate her wonderful sense of humor?

Luckily, my concerns were quieted in the weeks following.  She made him laugh.  He made her laugh.  And he was so good to her.  I am so happy for these two!

I’ll be honest- wedding photography is not my area of focus, and I debated whether or not I wanted to do Mindy’s wedding photos.  But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it was the best wedding gift I could give her.  I pour my heart and soul into my work, and I feel much more satisfied giving my sister something that I’ve put my soul into rather than, say, a gravy boat.  So… Matt and Mindy… I present (some of) your wedding present:


Matt and Mindy (as well as their families) are LDS.  The couple, therefore, decided to be married in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple.  In order to preserve the sacredness of the marriage ceremony, there is no photography in the temple.  All photos were taken after the two were married for “time and all eternity.” Sigh. Isn’t that the most beautiful line? Yeesh, I’m such a romantic.

Lots and lots of happiness here! 

Now on to the reception!

Venue: Louland Falls 

S’more bar… so clever! Catering by: Have Party, Will Travel

Delicious cake by: Stephanie (sister of the groom)

Lovely flowers by: Mary Wilkinson

And then they were off!

Ok, Mindy is going to kill me for this next part, but I just have to share it anyway! Like I said before, I had some doubts about whether or not to be the wedding photographer.  But I’m sure glad I decided to do it because being a photographer/sister allowed me to capture faces like this:

And like this:

And like these:

Are those fantastic?!

Congratulations, Matt and Mindy! I love you guys!  Now, friends and family of Matt and Mindy, it has come to my attention that they no longer have facebook accounts (boo) so be sure to leave a comment below for the newly weds! I know they’ll be checking out this post and would love to hear from you!

Rory - Mindy. Your face is hysterical. Love, Rory.

Alexa Lundgreen - Congratulation Mr. & Mrs. Moore! What a beautiful day! You two look amazing!
Amazing work Rachel! Love you all <3

Kendall Stoy - Beautiful post; beautiful photographs, beautiful wedding! Great job!

Brandy Jaggers - Wonderful job!!

Megan - LOVE these!

katie dudley - What a fun couple to photograph! You did a fabulous job! Just beautiful!

Megan Johns - What an adorable couple! Great work capturing such a special day.

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The Most Beautiful Bride

Wahoo!!! New website complete!  Did you notice that now it is a blog+website in one- a “blogsite,” if you will?  I have high hopes for this new format to help rectify my little blogging inconsistency problem.  Fingers crossed!

Anyway, on top of that, I also spent most of July in Utah for my little sister’s wedding.   My little sister… The little girl who aspired to be “a flower picking girl” when she grew up.  The little girl who couldn’t simply walk from room to room, but rather had to cartwheel there.  The little girl who sat across from me at the kitchen table as I cried over my math homework (stupid math) and in her adoring, little sister way said, “…but Rach- you’re a GENIUS!”  That little girl is now all grown up and married… and I am so proud of her!

The wedding was the most darling, charming wedding I’ve ever been to!  I’ll post photos of that later, but for now here are her bridal pictures.  Isn’t she a babe?!

A butterfly landed on her bouquet during the session.  If that’s not a good omen, than I don’t know what is! 

Does it shock you if I say she’s far and away the most photogenic person in our family? Didn’t think so. 

Notice how the glitter is in the shape of a heart… That REALLY just happened- no editing necessary! Another good omen, I think. 

Thank you, Minz for letting me try new poses, for making me laugh the entire time, and for being the perfect model! I love you!

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Do you ever get so excited about changes in your life that you just can’t sleep at night?! Well, this is one sleepless lady right here.  I am making changes to my business left and right.  These aren’t just changes for the sake of change.  These are changes that I feel are really lifting my business, my art, and my spirits!

One of the most exciting changes is I now incorporate a professional makeup artist for my clients the day of the session! And the artists are sensational! Not only does it help enhance the beauty of my clients, but it makes editing and post processing so much easier for me! WHY HAVE I NOT BEEN DOING THIS FROM THE BEGINNING??? It’s one of those palm to forehead things.  Anyway, I wanted to post these photos to show how a beautiful girl, lovely makeup, and some dreamy lighting make my photographer’s soul sing!

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I Shoot Friends

Cheylee is a friend of mine.  Besides being absolutely beautiful, Cheylee is a mom to the cutest little chubby 8 month old. All I can say is I hope I look half as good as she does when I’m a momma!
I love when I get the chance to photograph a friend.  I tend to experiment a little more, get a little more creative, and push myself because she knows me; there is already an element of trust there. I tried some new tools to create different effects in camera (see bottom left photo). I played around a bit with the light- lots of back lighting and also letting it wrap around her a bit.  And even tried a couple new poses.   So thank you, Cheylee, for allowing me to let loose some pent up creativity!

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